A Lesson in Marketing from the Grocery Store
A quick lesson in marketing from the grocery store:
I saw this display for olive oil today. Look closely and you’ll see it’s different from most olive oil because it has a squirt top. Why would they do that when the “standard” for olive oil is pour top?
The answer has to do with WHO uses olive oil in squirt top bottle…chefs. They are selling their olive oil to the home cooks who watch TV chefs and restaurant chefs and want to be like them!
Here’s the marketing lesson for all of us: think about EXACTLY who your target customer is. Tell a story about them. What do they aspire to?
Maybe they want to lose weight, or have clearer skin, or see the world, or be more respected in their circle, or be like a professional chef. Whatever it is, be as specific as you can.
Next, how does your product or service get them there? Again, specificity wins.
Now, you’ve got the story you want to tell in your marketing and you know exactly who you want to tell that story to. That’s a recipe for success.
P.S. - Notice they didn’t have to say anything on their display about who they are targeting or how their product helps them. They have said all they needed to say just in the way they’ve designed the product. Genius!